Analysis “The Hindu Vocabulary” For All Competitive Exams
Synonyms: careful, prudent
Antonyms: careless, unwise
Example Sentence:
Circumspect doctors avoid recommending wrong medicines to their patients.
2. FLUKE (NOUN): chance of occurrence:
Synonyms: blessing, quirk
Antonyms: misfortune, certainty
Example Sentence:
Their victory was a bit of a fluke.
Synonyms: unbeatable, invincible
Antonyms: attainable, defeatable
Example Sentence:
It is an unsurmountable task to get any high degree without studying for it.
INTRICATE (ADJECTIVE): very complicated or detailed:
Synonyms: complex, difficult
Antonyms: easy, straightforward
Example Sentence:
Biology is considered as an intricate subject.
RANCOUR (NOUN): bitterness, hatefulness:
Synonyms: animosity, hostility
Antonyms: friendliness, kindness
Example Sentence:
Although my friend betrayed me, I have no rancour towards him.
EVINCE (VERB): to show, reveal:
Synonyms: manifest, demonstrate
Antonyms: conceal, hide
Example Sentence:
His nail biting evinced that he was nervous for the interview.
EXPIATE (VERB): to rectify:
Synonyms: amend, correct
Antonyms: worsen, destroy
Example Sentence:
It is better to expiate your mistakes than to find excuses.
Synonyms: courageous, high-spirited
Antonyms: meek, fearful
Example Sentence:
Amit is a mettlesome boy.
SANGUINE (ADJECTIVE): optimistic and confident:
Synonyms: happy, cheerful
Antonyms: morose, sad
Example Sentence:
The sanguine lady started her new business.
DEMUR (VERB): disagree:
Synonyms: vacillate, oppose
Antonyms: accept, agree
Example Sentence:
There were certain reasons to demur the proposal.