Analysis “The Hindu Vocabulary” For All Competitive Exams | 27-04-2019
1. ECSTASY (NOUN): joyful excitement:(उल्लास)
Synonyms: bliss, elation
Antonyms: misery, unhappiness
Example Sentence:
There is a choice, adventure and ecstasy associated with being engaged which is great.
2. EDIFICE (NOUN): A large, imposing building:(इमारत)
Synonyms: monument, skyscraper
Antonyms: hut, chalet
Example Sentence:
So the clarification comes and the whole edifice crumbles.
3. EFFEMINATE (ADJECTIVE): exhibiting female qualities:(नारी जैसा)
Synonyms: feminine, womanish
Antonym: masculine, manly
John spends the remainder of the film eating on cigars with an effeminate scientist.
4. ELUDE (VERB): Escape from or avoid typically in a skilful or cunning way:(टाल जाना)
Synonyms: dodge, escape
Antonyms: encounter, confront
Example Sentence:
She looked up the slope behind him, confident to have eluded his opponent, not having left a single path in the snow.
5. ENDEAVOR (NOUN): an attempt with a lot of effort:(कोशिि)
Synonyms: venture, undertaking
Antonyms: passivity, inactivity
Example Sentence:
They should also endeavor not to let safety preparations set the tone for discussion
6. ENTOURAGE (NOUN): group of attendants:(पररचारक गण) Synonyms: servant, retinue
Antonym: leader, head
Example Sentence:
The queen was accompanied to the ritual by her large entourage that escorts her wherever she goes
7. EPICUREAN (ADJECTIVE): loving food and comfort:(भोगवादी)
Synonyms: gluttonous, libertine
Antonyms: chaste, puritanical
Example Sentence:
Punish is a big time gourmet with epicurean habits who spends millions in clubs.
8. EQUIVOCAL (ADJECTIVE): unclear:(अननश्चचत)
Synonyms: doubtful, uncertain
Antonyms: certain, definite
Example Sentence: The movie had an equivocal ending.
9. EVANESCE (VERB): Pass out of sight, memory, or existence.:(लुप्त हो जाना)
Synonyms: dissipate, fade away
Antonyms: appear, emerge
Example sentence:
It was normal, therefore, that Indian dependability could not be allowed to evanesce.
10. EXECRABLE (ADJECTIVE): extremely bad or unpleasant:(निनौना)
Synonyms: horrible, sickening
Antonyms: pleasant, nice
Example Sentence:
This week only I’ve come through four sensationally good bottles which show up the execrable wines for what they are.