“The Hindu Vocabulary” Analysis For All Competitive Exams
The Hindu Vocabulary Analysis : In this world of competitive exams, ‘Vocabulary’ takes a vital role in every exam. Several banking and Government exams like PO, Clerk, IBPS RRB, CGL, CHSL, State Level exams, Other Exams etc. Free Job News Alert Team provides you 10 new words in The Hindu Vocabulary analysis on the daily basis which will benefit you not only in upcoming examinations but also to improve English writing skill.
We have mentioned the important words with the meaning, synonyms and antonyms along with the example to give a clear concept about the words. We Know in English Part the vocabulary mostly comes from THE HINDU Newspapers in the competitive exams. Therefore it is very important to read and memories. You can give online test your vocabulary and evaluate your preparation of your respective exams.
WAFT (VERB): carry: (बहा ले जाना)
Synonyms: drift, convey
Antonyms: hold, keep
Example Sentence:
The air becomes vibrant with a thousand angelic wings, which waft a balmy breeze.
ROCOCO (ADJECTIVE): florid: ( अत्यलंकृत)
Synonyms: ornate, gilt
Antonyms: plain, undecorated
Example Sentence:
It was a rococo flower-vase.
CHIMERA (NOUN): bogy: (कल्पना)
Synonyms: delusion, monstrosity
Antonyms: certainty, reality
Example Sentence:
The economic sovereignty you claim to defend is a chimera.
PORTENT (NOUN): miracle: (कल्पना)
Synonyms: marvel, prodigy
Antonyms: expectation, doom
Example Sentence:
It was a portent that she won.
PERVERSION (NOUN): spoof: (विकृति)
Synonyms: burlesque, distortion
Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity
Example Sentence:
The absurdly lenient sentence is a perversion of justice.
BURGESS (NOUN): civilian: (नागरिक)
Synonyms: inhabitant, resident
Antonyms: alien, foreigner
Example Sentence:
He is a nice burgess.
BOURGEOIS (ADJECTIVE): traditional: (मध्यमवर्गीय)
Synonyms: conservative, middle-class
Antonyms: aristocratic, upper-class
Example Sentence:
He belonged to a rich, bored, bourgeois family.
ARRAIGN (VERB): accuse: (अपराधी ठहराना)
Synonyms: incriminate, indict
Antonyms: exculpate, exonerate
Example Sentence:
She was arraigned on charges of attempted murder.
APPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): pertinent: (उपयुक्त)
Synonyms: germane, relevant
Antonyms: inappropriate, improper
Example Sentence:
There was an apposite quotation written in the side of the wall.
ARROGATE (VERB): claim without justification: (हड़पना)
Synonyms: confiscate, expropriate
Antonyms: reject, refuse
Example Sentence:
They arrogate to themselves the ability to divine the nation’s true interests
Learning English vocabulary is a basic and very important part of learning the English language. Learning a new vocabulary word means more than just understanding what the word means and enrich your word power. To really learn new English words, you must understand them and be able to use the words correctly when you speak or write.
You will probably learn English words faster when they are important to your daily life or come from a subject that interests you. A good way to learn English vocabulary is to see and hear many repetitions of the words within a topic or an interesting context like a story or a reading.